Tuesday 23 August 2011

Dunover.com fund at risk as Lloyds Bank now more donkey than stallion

It’s a big call for Dunover.com investment portfolio as we are invested heavily into a Lloyds Banking Group recovery. More heavily than I would ideally like.

But with the shares falling to 28p we are a victim of circumstances and it will take some balls to get out of this tricky investment situation.

What should we do at Dunover.com then ??

Panic and sell the lot at a big loss.

Sell half and cut our losses and maybe buy back in at a lower price later.

No, none of the above.

We have just bought more at 28p today with what remaining spare cash we currently have.

It’s a conviction purchase.

Whilst the Stock Markets might be shorting Lloyds heavily and forcing the share price down, we still believe Lloyds are in a good solid recovery position.

So we are buying more at bargain prices.

Not a place I would choose to be having a large amount of our portfolio at risk but then I did not choose the share price to go down to 28p either.

So you have to do something at 28p.

If we’ve called it wrong, then we’ll all be in the soup kitchens ………….

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