Tuesday 9 August 2011

Charles Dickens wake up, there's much to write about in 2011

Good news for executve pensions this week, they are up to an average of £175k per annum. 

Leaders in the Exective Pension club continue to be the stars pictured above, Eric Daniels from Lloyds on £210,000 a year for life. Fred Goodwin from RBS gets £342k a year for life and he's only 53 years old. 

All this while their companies under their stewardship brought the country to it's knees and destroyed their shareholder value. 

Oh and the value of the pension funds they ran too. 

Meanwhile down with the workers. 

Campaigns are ran to reduce public sector pensions down to the poverty levels of private sector workers because it's cheaper that way. 

Annuity rates are slashed meaning workers get even less for their pension pot when they do retire. 

Pension funds, many larger than country economies save all the rewards for themselves and give pathetic returns to pensions investors. 

Then along comes NEST to compulsory enrol workers into these pathetic products. Workers are then encouraged to pay even more of their money into the pathetic pension industry for even longer periods of time. 

The reality of this is that no one can afford to retire anymore. We are all heading for a flexible kind of reirement where we work till we drop and then get our houses taken off us to pay for our retirement homes. 

Enter Charles Dickens, poverty is no longer in the workhouses with the young. 

We needs some stories on the old, the workhouse residents of the future. 

Executive pension scandal:

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