Wednesday 11 January 2012

Getting into Banks in 2012

The other major under performing sector in 2011 worth a look is Banks.

We are tracking four banks who are well down over the year hence with any improved confidence and stability across US and Europe you would expect an improving share price in these stocks.

As far as diversification is concerned Barclays have 44% of their business in the UK, RBS have 64% and Lloyds have 100%.

HSBC are the most diversified of the four and would give a better global spread into the emerging far east economies but have probably fallen the least hence whilst less risky will have the least potential upside to the share price.

So tracking these four banks with a notional £1,000 in each :
Barclays (BARC) - 189.05p
HSBC (HSBA) - 501.00
Lloyds Banking Group  (LBG) - 27.68
RBS (RBS) - 21.71

You can track the current value of these holdings here : 

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