Friday 13 January 2012

Gaining exposure to the strengthening US economy in 2012

There is growing evidence now that the US economy is slowly firming up and coming out of recession.

Good time therefore to buy into companies which will benefit from the improving US outlook.

Here are some recommendations that look credible to us:

Has 35% of it's business exposed to the US markets and car sales have previously been one of the worst performing sectors, so much room for growth. VW and BMW have also been strongly tipped but Daimler look the most strongly recommended. None of these by the way have listings on the London market !!

WPP (WPP @ 730.00)
Global advertising and media giant has large exposure to the US

Vodaphone ( VOD @ 176.95) 
Has 40% exposure to the US

Ahold (AMS:AH @ 10.04)
A Netherlands based retail group operating supermarkets, liqueur stores and drug stores across Europe and US.

Schroders (SDR @ 1,366.00)  
Assett Management and Private Banking

A bit harder then to pick out companies which will benefit from the US economic recovery and a number of these are not on the London Stock Exchange hence you have to watch for currency fluctuation too.

We'll keep looking for any other decent looking recomendations .......

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