Wednesday 29 June 2011

Save HMV - but the Facebook page is empty

Another one of Britain’s iconic brands in big trouble then. Share price diving down 13% today to the princely sum of 9p.

Much angst amongst the music industry that as a music retailer HMV must not be allowed to go bust.

Well ok then so what do their target market think about them having shops on the High Street ?

Number 3 daughter downloads only so never goes in there. Though she thinks a good vinyl collection might get her in, vinyl getting big now apparently. A music boffin that girl and sadly a definite thumbs down from her.  

Number 3 son however, also keen on his music, gives HMV a thumbs up. He likes to browse there for ideas of what to buy in the music sections he likes. Much easier and quicker in a shop than on the internet.   

Likes to buy cd’s for himself and for presents, you can’t really give a download as a present, fair comment I thought. He would also look at buying music equipment there whilst he was in shopping too.

But buying DVD’s there, a definite no no, get them much cheaper off

He also thought the HMV Customer Service was good, the staff are generally young and up to date on the music scene.

Neither of them at all interested though in any more fanciful ideas of Starbucks in store or high speed download booths for music and movies.

It’s a tricky one though, how to make the high street stores viable. Any bright ideas leave a comment below.

Maybe the future for HMV going forward is to just shut all the stores and specialise in an integrated retail distribution website and live music company.

At 9p a share and a market capitalisation of £40 million HMV is ripe for a takeover should someone wish to make a grab for the iconic British brand then strip out some of the assets.

A hard numbers assessment of the finances for a takeover are right here if you fancy a punt:

As an investor it’s a tricky call at 9p a share, where is the upside in the price.

It’s a mixed view from our target market focus group, they like the shops but don’t go there often.

Meanwhile all those out there who say “we must not let HMV go bust” seem to be doing very little about it, can’t even be bothered to join the Facebook “save HMV”  page can they.

Where is the brand loyalty these days ………………

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